**Across the Miles**

In the quiet hush of twilight's glow,

Where shadows stretch and breezes flow,

There lies a space, both vast and wide,

A distant world where hearts reside.

Though miles apart, our spirits meet,

In dreams where whispered secrets greet,

No road too long, no ocean deep,

Can drown the love we vow to keep.

The stars above, they light our way,

Connecting souls both night and day,

A cosmic thread, though thin and fine,

Binds your heart forever to mine.

In letters penned and voices heard,

In silence shared without a word,

We bridge the gap with memories,

And find our solace in the breeze.

For distance is but a fleeting thing,

A test of what true love can bring,

And though we're far, our hearts entwine,

In a dance that's yours and mine.

So when the night is dark and still,

And loneliness begins to fill,

Remember this, my dearest friend,

Our love will journey to the end.



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