**Echoes of Pain: A Ballad of the Wounded Heart**

In the caverns of the soul, where shadows stretch,

There lies a wounded heart, burdened by its wretched fetch.

It beats with the rhythm of a broken dream,

Haunted by memories that tear at the seam.

Each throb echoes the pain of love lost,

A silent scream in a tempest tossed.

It bleeds in silence, unseen by the eye,

A shattered vessel beneath a stormy sky.

In the depths of despair, it finds its home,

A prisoner of sorrow, destined to roam.

It whispers of longing, of what could have been,

In the quiet of night, where ghosts are seen.

Each scar tells a story of battles fought,

Of dreams shattered and lessons taught.

It's a testament to strength, to resilience found,

In the darkest of nights, on hallowed ground.

The wounds run deep, like rivers wide,

Carving paths through the soul, where shadows hide.

They ache with the weight of unspoken pain,

In the silence of the night, where tears rain.

Yet within the darkness, a flicker of light,

A beacon of hope in the dead of night.

For wounds may heal, and scars may fade,

In the warmth of love, in the embrace made.

So let the tears fall like rain from the sky,

Let the wounded heart soar, let it fly.

For in the ashes of pain, a phoenix rises,

A testament to love's endless surprises.

And though the road ahead may seem long,

With twists and turns, where shadows throng,

Know that within you, a flame still burns bright,

Guiding you through the darkest night.

For love is a journey, with highs and lows,

A tapestry woven with joy and woes.

And though the wounds may ache, and the scars may sting,

They're a testament to the courage you bring.

So let your wounded heart beat on,

For in its rhythm, a new dawn.

And though the pain may never depart,

Know that within you beats a resilient heart.


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