**Shadows of Us**

In the beginning, a spark so bright,

Two souls entwined in love's pure light.

But slowly shadows start to creep,

Into the promises we couldn’t keep.

Words once sweet now cut like knives,

In a dance that drains our very lives.

A smile that hides a thousand tears,

A touch that feeds on silent fears.

We built our love on shifting sand,

A fragile tower that cannot stand.

With every storm, the cracks appear,

Exposing wounds that never clear.

Control disguised as deep concern,

In your embrace, I twist and turn.

Freedom caged, my spirit wanes,

Bound by your invisible chains.

Apologies like empty breath,

A cycle spinning life to death.

Hope becomes a fleeting ghost,

In a love that hurts the most.

Yet in the darkest depths, I see,

A glimmer of what used to be.

Strength within to break the ties,

To reclaim the light behind my eyes.

So, I gather all my fractured parts,

And stitch together broken hearts.

To walk away, to find my peace,

To let the echoes of us cease.



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