**Shattered Trust**

In the silent chambers of the soul, where trust resides,

There lies a shadow of doubt, where truth collides.

It whispers of promises broken, of dreams betrayed,

A heavy burden on shoulders once unafraid.

Each echo reverberates through the halls of the heart,

A painful reminder of the end from the start.

It leaves scars unseen, wounds deep and raw,

A gaping chasm where once there was awe.

In the depths of despair, it finds its home,

A specter haunting, destined to roam.

It masks itself in smiles, in laughter's guise,

A silent scream behind tear-stained eyes.

Each word spoken cuts like a knife,

Each action taken adds to the strife.

It's a betrayal of the deepest kind,

Leaving shattered pieces of trust behind.

The disappointment lingers, a bitter taste,

A reminder of love's fleeting haste.

It clouds the vision, dims the light,

A darkness looming in the dead of night.

Yet within the darkness, a glimmer of hope,

A flicker of light on a slippery slope.

For wounds may heal, and scars may fade,

In the warmth of forgiveness, a path is made.

So let the tears fall, let the heartache wane,

Let forgiveness wash away the pain.

For in the ashes of betrayal's fire,

A phoenix rises, strong and higher.

And though the road ahead may seem bleak,

With each step taken, the soul will seek.

For in the depths of despair, a lesson learned,

A resilience forged, a spirit earned.



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